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Pastiera Napoletana e Buona PasquaÂ
Carissimi Amici, Spring is my favorite time of year in Italy, not just for the fresh flowers and warm breezes, but also because it is in...

Tiramisù for you! Â
Carissimi amici, Fa caldo!! If you’re in the Northern Hemisphere these days, you’re likely to be sweltering in heat. Italians are...

La Dolce Toscana: Fall Desserts
Ciao amici, Buon autunno! Today is the first day of Fall and I am so excited for the best part of the season, in my opinion, desserts!...

Zucca Salata
Carissimi amici, For a long time, cooking with pumpkin meant just one thing: pumpkin pie. It had never occurred to me that pumpkin could...

The Whole Parmigiano
Carissimi amici, No matter where I am in life, purchasing my very own slice of Parmigiano Reggiano cheese always feels like having a...

I’m not going to bore you with cabbage
Ciao amici, Do you like eating with the season? It takes a bit more attention here in New York where you can get any produce or food item...

Primavera for your Pasta
Ciao amici, As the season wanes for kale, Brussel sprouts and root vegetables, I am so excited for fresh Springtime flavors! I’m ready to...

Eat Your Mistakes
Ciao amici, I love cooking and baking, but I will not pretend like everything I make comes out perfectly every time. Grazie to everyone...
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