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The Pasta Diaries
Ciao amici, Buona primavera!! Happy Spring!! It was around this time of year in 2021 when I initiated Programma Pasta as a way to...

Meet ChinottoÂ
Ciao amici, One of the best parts of travel is discovering a new food item. In a country like Italy where foods can differ from one city...

Primavera for your Pasta
Ciao amici, As the season wanes for kale, Brussel sprouts and root vegetables, I am so excited for fresh Springtime flavors! I’m ready to...

Eat Your Mistakes
Ciao amici, I love cooking and baking, but I will not pretend like everything I make comes out perfectly every time. Grazie to everyone...

Are You Rosato Ready?
Ciao amici, The weather is slowly but surely warming up! Humidity is here, now just waiting for those hot temps to arrive and form the...

The Post-Italy GlowÂ
Ciao amici, I hope your summer is off to a good start! Scusatemi for the delay in my regular newsletter cadence, I was relaxing in the...

Free Class: Italian Beaches
Ciao amici, Temperatures are rising… and will be staying there for a while. Even before the official beginning of summer, Italy was...

Do You Love Formaggio?
Ciao amici, How is your summer going? If you have traveled to Italy in recent months, please be in touch, I would love to hear about it!...
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